Entries by Christa Vandeberg

Respecting Whistler’s Great Outdoors and #GOGreen

Earn your time outside by interacting with planet Earth more mindfully in your daily life. Learn how from Whistler’s environmental experts at the GO Green @ GO Fest Environmental Expo on Saturday, May 21st from Noon-5:00 p.m. in Whistler’s Town Plaza. In the meantime, here are some wise ways to adventure in and interact with […]

GO Fest Keeps Long Weekend #FOMO At Bay

While many Canadians celebrate the May Long weekend by opening the cabin, barbequing or heading into the wilderness to camp, in Whistler, GO Fest, Whistler’s Great Outdoors Festival, kicks off the summer season with events and activities offering the best that winter and summer have to offer, all in one weekend. GO Fest boasts a […]

What you need for your next hike in Whistler

Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or just starting out, we’re proud to say that Whistler boasts a variety of options for every ability level. In saying that, the length of your hike will then influence what you bring with you but it can be safe to say that there are a few things you’ll need […]

What to pack for your Whistler summer vacation

It’s sunny, it’s hot and it’s almost the weekend. You’ve finally booked that hotel in Whistler and have rounded up the tribe for the getaway. It’s Thursday night and you need to pack but you have no idea where to start. What do you pack for a weekend away in a place that has snow-capped […]

What you need to start mountain biking in Whistler

If we’re being honest, which we like to be, Whistler is bike-crazy once the snow melts. If you’re not biking up a mountain then you’re certainly getting a lift up (A Line anyone?). But if anyone goes past our Whistler Mountain Bike Park, some might be a bit worried that it’s way out of their […]

3 reasons why Whistler is the ideal summer destination

A number of years ago, Whistler was only ever seen and marketed as the number one ski resort in North America. The thought of Whistler being a year-round resort wasn’t even really a consideration for most people (some probably thought there was snow on the ground year round). But as time has gone on, this […]

5 hiking trails to explore in Whistler once the snow melts

In the winter there is definitely no shortage of trails to explore with two planks attached to your feet (or one) but if you’re after greenery, warmth on your face and your hiking shoes then you’ll have to wait for the white stuff to melt away. Once it does though, there is a vast trail […]